Beautiful BMW with a wicked and rare 535hp V-12 unicorn. Somebody paid about $150,000 for this 760Li just five years ago, and it’s now selling for $37,998 with 57,000 miles. Looks like roughly 10,000 7-series were sold in 2013, and as far as I can tell 2% of those – or 200, were the V-12 760’s. Checked the VIN and this one has the $5,200 “Individual Package” with Merino leather and the $3,700 Bang and Olufsen audio, but sadly no night vision. Why skimp there? Especially when the buyer chose to spend $50,000 more for a new BMW 760 than they would have for a BMW 750?! Perhaps to get that .3 sec 0-60 edge? I wouldn’t care – the V-12 roar is worth every depreciated penny. It goes without saying, but I have to say it anyway because someone will moan “these are expensive to fix!” that you do NOT own one of these without the MaxCare warranty, effectively shifting financial risk to CarMax for a few thousand more. Find this four owner LA car here; if the link is dead it’s sold, on hold ore being transferred.