I love my 2010 Mercedes S600 unicorn, purchased in February 2019 and chronicled here. Last week I returned from a 6,700 mile road trip in the S600, driving over 100 hours from Virginia to Oregon and back. Had some 10-12 hour days behind the wheel and out west some high-speed cruising (admitting NOTHING here!) and could not have been more comfortable. But a nearly identical 2010 Mercedes S65 AMG surfaced at CarMax this week and I have it on hold. I am paralyzed by this choice and welcome comments.

My 2010 S600 has a 5.5l twin-turbo V-12 offering 510hp and 612 lb-ft of torque. The 2010 S65 AMG pumps out 604hp and 738 lb-ft of torque from a hand-built 6.0l twin turbo V-12. Always wanted a 600hp car. I can vouch for the silky smooth acceleration and ride of the S600, and I’ve read the S65 is more aggressive and snarly. Performance-wise the reviews suggest they are almost the same despite the horsepower difference. The S65, like me, carries some extra weight. Price-wise, the S65 cost about $50,000 more than the S600, meaning someone shelled out a good $200,000+ ten years ago for this S65. I do get a little giddy driving cars I can’t afford new.

The 2010 S65 is selling for $35,998, a little more than what I paid for my S600 about 20 months ago. It’s a one-owner, one-accident Florida car. My S600 is (counting me) a two-owner Pennsylvania-Virginia car and is (knock on wood) accident free. The kicker is the S65 has only 35,000 miles on it and I just turned over 70,000 in the S600. Buying the S65 would be resetting the clock for me, giving me another five years of MaxCare and perhaps 90,000 warranty miles. My S600 has another 40 months/55,000 miles of transferable warranty. And I just did the $2,500 Service B before going on the coast to coast trip. What to so?! Of course, would offer the S600 for sale here first, with the same terms I sold my S55 AMG – car guys don’t screw car guys. Will tell you everything I know about the S600. As of this writing I’m working on transferring the S65 from Florida to Virginia. Will decide when it gets here. Until then feel free to chime in with wisdom.

Is the main advantage the lower miles and 5 years of MaxCare? Do you have 3 years left on your S600
There’s definitely some amount of “the devil you know” at play here. Any details on the accident?
Yeah, I like the idea of starting fresh with more warranty, but I also like the rowdiness of the S65. When I got the S600 I missed the guttural noise of my S55. But….don’t know if that would get old. The 6,700 mile drive this month was really peaceful in the S600.
Chuck – really enjoy your blog! I would be concerned with the accident for the S65. You know what you have in the S600….you don’t know what you are getting with the new car. A fender bender would not bother me, but a significant accident would cause me to think twice about the vehicle.
Unfortunately the history only says “moderate” accident. I don’t know what the scale is….minor, moderate, fatal…..moderate serious, horrible? Not sure I will ever know. Perhaps I can get it looked at during the seven day grace period and return is severe.
Do what makes YOU happy .
Charles, if you don’t buy this I will. Kidding… But not kidding. I’d sell my C63 in a heartbeat for this S65. Holy cow, what a find. At $36k, and with Maxcare, it’s a no brainer. An S65 is as rare an animal as you’ll find at Carmax. Absolutely unreal. Do it, man!
Yeah it’s a rare beast. It’s not a rationale buy. I bonded with the S600 over 100 hours on the road trip – some of it at extended triple digit speeds out west. Wouldn’t even think of parting with it….except for something better. Tough call. I’ll keep it hostage and make it yours if I decline.
But for real, if you pass on it, let me know ahead of time so I can snatch it. Haha
Isn’t the S65 much more costly to maintain? Ceramic brakes?
Thanks Dave. You got me doing research. I see maybe $1000 each PER ROTOR! I will call my indie mechanic and discuss Monday before committing.
DO IT!! cuz for sure if you don’t, it will gnaw at you forever (or at least until your next car purchase). Of course the most practical thing is to keep your car but no car “guys” (I’m an over 65 woman but still a car “guy”) are practical anyway, by definition.
My apologies Rebecca. I KNEW when I was typing saying car guys was wrong (I’ve had several women sign up for the blog this year!) and was too rushed/lazy to figure out a better way to say car people? Car peeps? The S600 is solid. Quiet. Fast. And paid off. The S65 is shipping – will have another week to figure out. Will be odd – I could actually drive them side by side!
I vote yes. 1K per rotor is crazy, but still . . . if you are going to own that car . . .
You’re the smartest guy I know so I’ll do what you tell me. Also confirmed no ceramic brakes so shouldn’t be any more expensive to maintain than the S600. Did you see the Mustang I just found for you? Do it!