The Jaguar XF sedan was designed while Ford owned Jaguar, on the Ford DEW platform that debuted on the Lincoln LS. This Jaguar sold in the US from 2009 until 2015, and the XF R is maybe the second or third best XF after the XF R-S and the XF R Sportbrake. The XF R has a 510 hp supercharged V-8 engine and an eight-speed automatic that cranks 4.3 second 0-60 mph runs. Damned fast. The 2015 Jaguar XF R above sold new for perhaps $85,000 when new and like all good unicorns is deeply depreciated at CarMax for $35,998. (Just for fun, check out this 2013 Jaguar XF Supercharged – same powertrain but less features – that was selling for $10,000 less than this XF R just last year. )

Amazing to me how similar the Jaguar XF R is to the Australian Holden Commodore, otherwise known to us as the Chevrolet SS and imported from 2014 to 2017. The SS has a naturally aspirated 6.2 liter V-8 that makes 415 hp – significantly less than the XF R. But in wheelbase, length, and width the cars are within an inch or two of being twins – although the SS is maybe 200 pounds lighter. Interestingly, the Chevy SS sold in the low $40’s new at best and had to be deeply discounted to move them off the lots. Now, as I wrote about here these five to eight year old cars are selling for thousands more than MSRP used! If interested, CarMax has this 2017 model with only 6,000 miles selling for a wild $55,000.

But back to the Jaguar XF R. This car has heated and air conditioned seats and the normal range of luxury features found on 2015 cars. CarMax indicates this car has the “Special Edition” package but I can find nothing on the net about what that is. Nor can I find how many Jaguar XF R’s were sold in the US. Been looking for an hour plus and this is how I get sidetracked when blogging – more than a few unicorns vanish while I’m trying to research if they are rare breeds. Not today. I did learn there are only 11 of these on Autotrader today, and this car, at this mileage, seems to be a decent enough deal. And only here can you get MaxCare! And I would certainly get MaxCare. Find this single-owner, accident free 2015 Jaguar XF R here in Riverside, California.