Was thumbing through the reservation I have on the 2010 Mercedes S65 and stumbled on what appears to be a new capability to access MaxCare selections and pricing right from the CarMax website. Previously the MaxCare tab only described the warranty program in general, and to get the specific mileage, deductible, and pricing menu on a specific car I had to call a sales rep and ask for a screen shot of the menu only he or she could see. Looks like this direct access is only available after putting a car on hold and booking an appointment time. Still another arrow in the quiver when hunting unicorns! Here’s the results for the S65.

This is awesome! Shift does this already, but happy that CarMax is doing it now (wish it wasn’t for holds though).
Yeah not fun to book an appointment just to get the MaxCare menu but a start. I’ll still call reps for screenshots on cars I’m whimsically considering.
Wow this will be useful!
On a side note, my sister in law just bought a c250 from Carmax and her maxcare options were almost identical in price to the S65! Seems like a screaming deal for the S65.
You’re not making my life any easier. Have a third V12 on reserve out west. Plus the one I own. And it’s my 911 that’s ready for replacing!