10 Years Old-Driven 900 Miles a Year – Bargain 2008 Mazda MX-5 Miata

Mazda MX5Mazda Miatas are beloved by real auto enthusiasts and car magazines as one of the great balanced roadsters of all time, and ridiculed by manly men as effeminate.  Nothing I can do about that.  This one is an automatic, though, for the ladies*.   If I could fit in one I might own one.  Here’s a 10 year old one with stupid low miles at a budget price.  Throw in the MaxCare warranty  if you really want to never have a repair bill, but with a low-mileage Mazda that’s like unnecessary like a belt and suspenders.  It’s a one-owner car Virginia car, and it looks like that one-owner rear ended someone in the first year of ownership.  Perhaps that matters to you.  Find it here at Dulles, Virginia for $15,998.  If the link is dead it’s sold/on hold, or being transferred.

*Kidding.  My 911 is automatic.2008 Mazda MX-5 Miata GRand Touring $15,998 9k