Surprised as hell to be approached by Kiplinger writer David Muhlbaum for a photo of one of my unicorns for use with his August newsletter piece, “How to Save on a Used Car;
Tips and techniques that can help you save money when shopping for a used car”. We are tip number four of eight – it’s the theme of Get an Extended Warranty When Buying a Used Luxury Car – what we here call driving rich and shift the repair risk to CarMax via MaxCare. Many thanks to David for the free press! And the red 911 is not yet my unicorn, but today I arranged for its transfer from Connecticut to Virginia. It may be soon! Means Etta may be on the market in October.
* It was one of Wilde’s.
What a neat feature! I am in the process of buying a 2nd unicorn myself — I’ll share details soon! I snapped it up quickly, so not sure you even saw it pop-up on your radar.
Did you buy it? Pix?