Three Stupid Low Mile Muscle Cars From The Noughties

2009 CorvetteI’m fascinated with CarMax’s ability to scarf up ridiculously low mileage cars, especially unicorns for enthusiasts.  Here are three horsepower-heavy beasts that have been driven not more than hundreds of miles per year, and because of the MaxCare strategy of offering bumper-to-bumper warranties on everything on the lot, you could guarantee no major repair bills for another 5 years and 125,000 miles for not a lot of money.  But as with most old-school V-8’s, do you really need a long-term warranty?  Links are added below the photos – if dead the cars are sold, on hold, or being transferred.

2009 Corvette $35,998 4k LA

Hot Yellow Corvette in LA

2007 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 $33,998 9k Baton Rouge

2007 Ford Mustang GT500

2009 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 $36,998 3k

2009 GT500 with 3,000 miles!